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Gregor Kossakowski Director Business Development

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Scotch and Soda Outlet
  • 30 Tage Cookie-Tracking
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Scotch and Soda Outlet-Partnerprogramm

Dutch fashion brand ‘Scotch & Soda’ loves to make great garments that suit every individual. We want people to love their clothes and enjoy wearing them. Scotch & Soda products are rich in detail, high quality and affordable. The designers at Scotch spare no effort or expense at detailing and fine-tuning samples, all the way to the neatly finished interior of each garment. We invest in the product, which is typically inspired by the best tried and tested classic and vintage styles, enriched with a wealth of inspiration from around the world. Currently Scotch & Soda holds over 100 stores worldwide, more than 7000 other sales points and a fully up to date online presence with integrated web store, blog and social media.

The Scotch & Soda affiliate program lets you promote the online outlet store of the brand in our base market the Netherlands and in our growth market Germany (other markets will be added soon) for an introduction commission of 10% on the total sales value. The online outlet store offers a broad variety of styles up to -50% off. If you have any questions regarding the program, looking for ways to approach the brand, if you’re in need of extra promotion material or products for testing or spot on opportunities to improve the visibility for an increased CPS or fixed fee feel free to contact us at:



28. Juli 2020
28. Juli 2020

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Allgemein 10,00 % Sale
Zum Netzwerk
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Prime Spot
  • 60 Tage Cookie-Tracking

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