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Antler DACH
  • Retargeting
  • SEA erlaubt
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Antler DACH-Partnerprogramm

www.antler.co.uk Antler. We’re a proud British company that has been making well designed and high quality luggage for over 100 years. We have remained at the forefront of the industry thanks to our passion for craftsmanship and dedication to be innovative. Designed. Tested. Trusted. Since 1914. Designed Antler has a proud tradition of Great British Design epitomised by our team of talented and creative designers based at our London HQ. We constantly challenge and push the boundaries of technical innovation whilst maintaining our unique British sense of style. Tested Our products are made to an incredibly high standard and are rigorously tested to destruction before they are passed to bear the Antler logo and our 10 year warranty. Our testing standards are industry leading and far surpass many of our competitors so you can rest assured that our products will perform journey after journey. Trusted Since we began in 1914 we have won the trust of millions of consumers around the world due to the quality of our product. This trust is a strong bond forged by years of great experiences and epic journeys. Our customers are renowned for their loyalty; an Antler case is often passed down to future generations. Since 1914 We have over 100 years of experience and heritage in travel goods. Everything we have learnt since we were founded contributes to the design and manufacturing of each and every one of our products. This heritage sets us apart from other brands and gives Antler customers great reassurance.


19. April 2024

Retargeting Cookieless-Tracking


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CECIL.de Damenmode
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Bewertungen zu Antler DACH

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  • Produktdaten-Feeds verfügbar
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