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tezenis.com DE
  • 30 Tage Cookie-Tracking
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tezenis.com DE-Partnerprogramm

Launched in 2003, the Tezenis Brand conquered the market as the Calzedonia Group’s young, cosmopolitan and trendsetting brand. Today, it counts on an ever-growing distribution network: with over 556 stores in more than 23 countries including Italy. With its cosmopolitan approach to fashion, Tezenis provides fun, young and wearable underwear, easywear, knitwear and beachwear collections for women, men and children. Our basic and fashion collections are enhanced with new products on a weekly basis to keep the collections as fresh as possible. Our extensive collections at competitive prices, meet the needs of young consumers who are increasingly demanding when it comes to quality/price ratio.

Moreover Tezenis stores embrace their customers by creating the right atmosphere with up-to-date music, open spaces and a minimalist ambience with the aim to give our customers the ultimate shopping experience! As a brand in continual evolution, Tezenis is a digital and social oriented brand and dedicates different projects to the web audience. Tezenis involves bloggers, influencers and it-girls in a virtual worlds where everybody can change look, creating different styles, having fun with the most fashionable mood of the moment! This young brand creates an online fashion destination that encompasses and celebrates everything it means to be a girl in a digitally immersed world today.
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06. Dezember 2018


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Launched in 2003, the Tezenis Brand conquered the market as the Calzedonia Group’s young, cosmopolitan and trendsetting brand. Today, it counts on an ever-growing distribution network: with over 556 stores in more than 23 countries including Italy. With its cosmopolitan approach to fashion, Tezenis provides fun, young and wearable underwear, easywear, knitwear and beachwear collections for women, men and children. Our basic and fashion collections are enhanced with new products on a weekly basis to keep the collections as fresh as possible.

Produkte und Provisionen

Unsere Produkte Provision Vergütungsart
Sale 14,00 % Sale
  • Über 2.000 Advertiser
  • Innovative Technologien
  • 20 Jahre Online-Erfahrung
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  • 30 Tage Cookie-Tracking

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