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Gregor Kossakowski Director Business Development

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Dutch fashion brand ‘Scotch & Soda’ loves to make great garments that suit every individual. We want people to love their clothes and enjoy wearing them. Scotch & Soda products are rich in detail, high quality and affordable. The designers at Scotch spare no effort or expense at detailing and fine-tuning samples, all the way to the neatly finished interior of each garment. We invest in the product, which is typically inspired by the best tried and tested classic and vintage styles, enriched with a wealth of inspiration from around the world. Currently Scotch & Soda holds over 100 stores worldwide, more than 7000 other sales points and a fully up to date online presence with integrated web store, blog and social media. To Scotch, variety is the spice of life. Our menswear line Scotch & Soda characterizes itself by its old school sense of style, with sometimes an edgy twist and lots of unique detailing in each garment, on the inside as much as on the outside. Despite our strong classic base you’ll find design influences from all over the world. Maison Scotch, our successful women’s line puts all her effort into creating unique silhouettes. Along with creative designs, premium qualities, colours, labelling and attention to detail, add a hint of parisienne characteristics, it becomes the true DNA of Maison Scotch. The young ambitious denim project Scotch & Soda Amsterdams Blauw® draws inspiration from American and Japanese denim aesthetics. We want to play the maverick card and be the new and fresh alternative for the denim establishment. Last but not least, our boy’s and girls collection Scotch Shrunk and Scotch R’belle has its own signature take on fashion trends. Here it is all about creating an eclectic mix of vintage, rock and bohemian esthetics, surprising fabrics, prints and refined colours for confident little men and little ladies. Living up to its reputation of high quality kids wear, each item is visibly designed with love; from choosing comfortable fabrics to beautiful detailing to the little jokes hidden on labels and hangtags.



27. Januar 2014
25. September 2018

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Stilvoller Modeshop für Damen, Herren und Kinder. Der Merchant spart sich die Werbemittel und baut auf Deeplinks zu einzelnen Kleidungsstücken. Die Provision liegt im guten Durchschnitt.

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