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TANNYMAXX Tannymaxx is a trademark of Body Cosmetics International GmbH. The company is a German pioneer of high quality body lotions. The company Body Cosmetics International GmbH was founded in 1989 and specialized in premium body lotions and fake tan lotions. The brand Tannymaxx is among the top brands in the range of body care and tanning cosmetics. Continuously growing product diversity and high-class ingredients have over years established the successful concept of the internationally known cosmetic brand. Find here more about Tannymaxx. (Link) NATURAL Some of Tannymaxx´s bestsellers are the vegan products of the Natural line. Due to love for skin and nature, the Natural line renounces any animal ingredients, as well as parabens and paraffins. Instead, these lotions are characterized by a combination of 100% natural argan oil and walnut extract. Commission Modell: Commission: up to 30% per sale possible Benefits for you as a publisher: Attractive commission up to 30% for each sale Click cookie length: 30 days View cookie length: 7 days Regularly publisher campaigns Regularly customer incentives and vouchers Product data feed available Benefits for customers: Large selection of high quality body lotions and fake tan lotions Exclusive incentives for customers Conditions of participation: Each web page will be checked. The program operator reserves the right to reject or exclude partners in case of abuse. Forbidden special cases: Forced Click-Systems Paid-Mail-System SEM ist ausdrücklich erwünscht.  Produktdatenfeed wird gerade erstellt. Kontakt: The Reach Group GmbH +49 (0)211-563 843 39 tannymaxx@publisher-support.info


30. April 2017
24. Mai 2017


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TANNYMAXX Tannymaxx is a trademark of Body Cosmetics International GmbH. The company is a German pioneer of high quality body lotions. The company Body Cosmetics International GmbH was founded in 1989 and specialized in premium body lotions and fake tan lotions. The brand Tannymaxx is among the top brands in the range of body care and tanning cosmetics. Continuously growing product diversity and high-class ingredients have over years established the successful concept of the internationally known cosmetic brand. Find here more about Tannymaxx.

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