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Gregor Kossakowski Director Business Development

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Our goal at Urban Outfitters is to be the brand of choice for well-educated, urban-minded young adults. We accomplish our objective by creating a differential shopping experience, which creates an emotional bond with the 18 to 30 year old target customer we serve. Currently, we operate more than 123 stores in the US, Canada, and Europe.

Urban Outfitters Europe started with the opening of High Street Kensington Store in 1998 and 14years on and with great success, we currently have over 20 stores in London, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, as well as Sweden, Ireland, Denmark and Scotland. Online we ship to UK, Ireland, France, Germany and over 16 other countries in Europe.

Urban Outfitters stock a mixture of brands and boutique labels for both Women and Men as well as accessories, kitsch homewares, furniture, music and novelty items that prove to be popular fun presents and unique gifts appealing to all age groups. The product range also includes eco friendly clothing made with organic cotton and renewal fashion that has been developed from a mixture of vintage fabrics and styles made to create one off pieces. Womenswear also stocks ‘Boutique’ – a collection of high end diffusion labels such as See By Chloe, Anglomania by Vivienne Westwood, Paul and Joe Sister, Tatty Devine and Luella. Whilst the Menswear range includes sought after brands such as Lyle &Scott, G-Star, Original Penguin, Fred Perry, Nike and many more.

The site is regularly refreshed with its signature quirky graphics and bright bold colours and newness from daily products uploads. The online experience captures the essence of Urban Outfitters with its styled photography, inspirational copy, full product range, customer photos and editorial pages to keep the customer up to date on the latest designers in stock and coming to the site. The site also gives the customer an extra incentive to buy online – many products are exclusive lines that cannot be purchased in-store.



27. März 2013
11. September 2018



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Wöchentlich gibt es 100 neue Styles. Der deutsche Vertrieb läuft exklusiv über Zanox. Die Werbemittel liegen nur recht großflächig vor, fallen aber positiv auf. Die Provision ist etwas gering.

Produkte und Provisionen

Unsere Produkte Provision Vergütungsart ø Warenkorb
Sale 10,00 - 15,00 % Sale 80.00 €
Zum Netzwerk
Sichere Verbindung
Prime Spot
CECIL.at Damenmode
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Jetzt beim Wettbewerb Platzieren und punkten

Schade, es wurde leider noch kein Ansprechpartner hinzugefügt.

(Und weitere Premium-Vorteile nutzen)

Bewertungen zu urbanoutfitters.com

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