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  • 15 Tage Cookie-Tracking
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Vestiaire Collective DE Beschreibung Vestiaire Collective was launched in 2009 by a team of 6 founders who recognized the need for an online platform that allowed people to buy and sell luxury pre-owned fashion. Vestiaire Collective creates a unique environment allowing its members to recycle their closets, exchange their favorite items and share their common passion for fashion with thousands of other enthusiasts from all around the world and with guaranteed safety. Vestiaire Collective distinguishes itself by its quality, with an entire team dedicated to quality control to ensure the authenticity and conformity of each product as well as a curation team, responsible with making a sharp and relevant selection. It is this process which enabled the website to position itself on the luxury market and to gain the support of great fashion references such as Condé Nast, media empire which regularly puts the site’s catalog forward through Vogue, Vanity Fair, GQ or Glamour. Today, Vestiaire Collective counts close to 3.000.000 members, more than 200.000 products and an average basket of 350€. Already established leader in France and the UK and with offices in Paris, London, Berlin and New York, Vestiaire Collective is present in 57 countries and continues to develop its french touch internationally. 


30. April 2017
29. August 2018



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15 Tage


Vestiaire Collective DE Vestiaire Collective was launched in 2009 by a team of 6 founders who recognized the need for an online platform that allowed people to buy and sell luxury pre-owned fashion. Vestiaire Collective creates a unique environment allowing its members to recycle their closets, exchange their favorite items and share their common passion for fashion with thousands of other enthusiasts from all around the world and with guaranteed safety. Vestiaire Collective distinguishes itself by its quality, with an entire team dedicated to quality control to ensure the authenticity and conformity of each product as well as a curation team, responsible with making a sharp and relevant selection. It is this process which enabled the website to position itself on the luxury market and to gain the support of great fashion references such as Condé Nast, media empire which regularly puts the site’s catalog forward through Vogue, Vanity Fair, GQ or Glamour. Today, Vestiaire Collective counts close to 3.000.000 members, more than 200.000 products and an average basket of 350€. Already established leader in France and the UK and with offices in Paris, London, Berlin and New York, Vestiaire Collective is present in 57 countries and continues to develop its french touch internationally.

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