Das Partnerprogramm "Zaful DACH" ist bei uns leider inaktiv.

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Margaux Peters Senior Sales Managerin

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Dein Profil? Jetzt Titelbild hinzufügen
Zaful DACH
  • Retargeting
  • SEA nicht erlaubt
  • Produktdaten-Feeds verfügbar

Zaful DACH-Partnerprogramm

Zaful ist ein führender chinesischer Online-Shop mit dem Fokus auf hochwertige Bekleidung, Schuhe & Accessoires usw. Modebewusste Damen können sich ihre neue Errungenschaften versandkostenfrei ab Bestellwert von $30 an die Haustür liefern lassen.

Das Affiliateprogramm von Zaful besticht durch hohe Conversion-Rates und attraktive Provisionen. Durch dieses Programm können Sie viel Geld verdienen, weil wir den Endkunden massive hochqualitative Produkte und Ihnen regelmäßige Produktneuigkeiten sowie exklusive Angebote zur Verfügung stellen.

Unser Vergütungsmodell:
Bestandskunden: 5% Neukunden: 10%
*Konditionsmodell für Coupon Sites:
Bestandskunden: 5% Neukunden: 5%

Cookie-Laufzeit: 60 Tage

PPC Terms and Conditions (Updated) Please carefully read ZAFUL affiliate terms and conditions for PPC marketing before you join our Program or begin marketing of our Program. These terms and conditions are written in plain terms intentionally avoiding legalese to ensure that they may be clearly understood and followed by affiliates. Adherence to the terms and conditions provides that ZAFUL affiliate Program is sustainable and profitable for both ZAFUL and our affiliates. Definitions As used in the below Terms: (i) “We”, “us”, or “our” refers to ZAFUL and; (ii) “you” or “your” refers to the Affiliate; (iii) “our website” refers to the our website like www.zaful.com; (iv) “your website” refers to any websites that you will link to our website; (v) “Program” refers to the ZAFUL Affiliate Program. PPC Guidelines If you are enrolled in our Program and participate in PPC advertising, you must adhere to our PPC guidelines as follows: You may not: 1.bid on any of our trademarked terms, including any variations or misspellings thereof or our trademarks with categories or countries or languages for search or content based campaigns on Google, Bing, Yahoo or any other network. These trademark terms include zaful, zaful.com, www zaful com, m zaful, m.zaful.com, , www zaful, zayful, zafuk, zafully, zafuls, zafull, zahful , zatful, zafule, zaaful, zaful reviews, zaful promotion, zaful discount, zaful bargain, zaful location, zaful com shipping, zaful review, zaful clothing reviews, zaful store, zaful cash back, zaful cashback, zaful log in, zaful login, zaful uk, zaful canada, zaful fashion, zaful españa, zaful avis, zaful france, zaful australia, zaful ropa, zaful italia, zaful shop, zaful shopping, zaful en español, zaful co uk, zaful con, zaful clothing, zaful dresses, zaful swimwear, zaful bathing suits, zaful clothes, zaful bikinis and zaful + any other categories(or countries, or languages), etc. 2.bid on prohibited keywords in any countries in the world. 3.Use of any of our trademarked terms or misspellings as part of the domain for your website. (e.g. www.zaful-coupons.com). Please kindly find our prohibited keyword list here(update from time to time): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18Oi8Q_KpRD_bMGXRuEmxOKKscGoRHL89biQDPDKRokQ/edit#gid=498948625 You may: 1.bid on trademark terms in sequence with any of the following keywords is permissible: “zaful coupon(s)”, “zaful code (s)”, “zaful promo code (s)”, “zaful promotion code (s)”, “zaful coupon code (s)”, “zaful voucher code”, “zaful voucher”. However the landing page must be a specific coupon page, home page and any other pages are not permitted to direct link to. The keywords permissible must use phrase matching or broad match modifiers, for example "zaful coupon" or (1)+zaful+coupon (2)create a negative keyword list, including the keyword "zaful" and use the exact match, and them apply to all campaigns, every time a new campaign created you must do it again We reserve all the right for the final explanation of the PPC terms and conditions. Advertising & Publicity You shall not create, publish, distribute, or print any written material that makes reference to our Program without first submitting such material to us and receiving our prior written consent. If you intend to promote our Program via e-mail campaigns, you must adhere to the following: 1.Abide by the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 with respect to our Program. 2.E-mail must be sent on your behalf and must not imply that the e-mail is being sent on behalf of ZAFUL. 3.E-mails must first be submitted to us for approval prior to being sent. Corresponding Measures If we found that you have one of the prohibited actions mentioned above, corresponding actions will be taken as a punishment as follows: 1.For the first time: We will remind you to stop the actions by email and adjust your commission down to 0%. you need to stop the bidding as soon as possible and then inform us when the action has been completed. We will adjust your commission to normal after that. 2.For the second time: We will remind you again. In the meantime, We will have to cancel all the orders came from you in the passed 30 days. 3.Update: For the third time: We will have to suspend your account in this very platform and all your related accounts in other platforms (e.g. once an affiliate is found brand bidding on Admitad, then the partnerships on other third-party networks will be terminated, too. Including but not limited to ShareASale, CJ, Linkconnector. etc). Once your violation affects our business, we have the right to ask for redemption, the amount of which will always double of your promotion data in violation period. If any of these terms are unclear, please contact Luna@zaful.com for clarification. 


31. Oktober 2016
20. Mai 2023

Retargeting Cookieless-Tracking

Gutscheincode Deeplinks



Keine Angabe

30 Tage


Suchmaschinenmarketing ist bei sämtlichen Suchmaschinen nicht gestattet, kein Brandbidding, keine Nutzung der URL- als Display- oder Ziel URL.

Produkte und Provisionen

Unsere Produkte Provision Vergütungsart Stornorate ø Warenkorb
Exisiting Customers (Standard) 5,00 % Sale 3.57 % 65.56 €
default new clients (Standard) 10,00 % Sale 3.57 % 65.56 €
  • Innovative Technologien
  • Branchenübergreifende Kampagnen
  • API-Schnittstellen möglich
Jetzt anmelden
Sichere Verbindung
Webgains GmbH
  • Über 1.800 Advertiser
  • Internationale Bekanntheit
  • Wöchentliche Auszahlung
Jetzt anmelden
Sichere Verbindung
Prime Spot
  • Click-ID Tracking

Jetzt beim Wettbewerb Platzieren und punkten

Schade, es wurde leider noch kein Ansprechpartner hinzugefügt.

(Und weitere Premium-Vorteile nutzen)

Bewertungen zu Zaful DACH

Noch ziemlich leer hier. Bisher wurde leider noch keine Bewertung abgegeben.

Jetzt Zaful DACH bewerten

Betreiber dieses Partnerprogramms?

Mit einem Premium-Eintrag wird Dein Eintrag werbefrei (inklusive Ausblendung von ähnlichen Partnerprogrammen) und Du kannst ein Titelbild und nähere Kontaktinformationen hinterlegen.

Ähnliche Partnerprogramme

Pushe Dein Partnerprogramm Pushe Dein Partnerprogramm
  • Click-ID Tracking
  • SEA ist unbekannt
  • Produktdaten-Feeds verfügbar
Bis zu 10,00 % Pay per Sale
Hubert Burda Media Zeitschriften
  • Bunte, Focus, Playboy, Freundin uvm.
  • 60 Tage Cookie-Tracking
  • SEA eingeschränkt erlaubt
  • Produktdaten-Feeds verfügbar
Bis zu 22,00 € Pay per Sale
BRAX Deutschland
  • 60 Tage Cookie-Tracking
  • SEA nicht erlaubt
  • Produktdaten-Feeds verfügbar
Bis zu 8,00 % Pay per Sale
CECIL.de Damenmode
  • Fashion, Mode und Accessoires für Frauen
  • 30 Tage Cookie-Tracking
  • SEA nicht erlaubt
  • Produktdaten-Feeds verfügbar
Bis zu 20,00 % Pay per Sale
street-one.de | Fashion für Frauen
  • Fashion, Mode und Accessoires für Frauen
  • 30 Tage Cookie-Tracking
  • SEA nicht erlaubt
  • Produktdaten-Feeds verfügbar
Bis zu 20,00 % Pay per Sale


Alle Angaben sind gewissenhaft recherchiert und zusammengestellt. Die Internet Allstars GmbH übernimmt jedoch keine Garantie und Haftung für die Aktualität, Vollständigkeit und Richtigkeit der bereitgestellten Informationen.